For me it's not about the platform you choose, be it a blog, a wiki, an LMS (Learning Management System eg Ultranet, KnowledgeNet) it's about your purpose (I was influenced by the 'Parrot of Purpose' as suggested by Joan Dalton and David Anderson) and how you choose to use that environment. Who owns it? It is the teachers space (that she reluctantly edits late on a Friday night!) or is it owned by the class.....a living entity, which is added to and enriched everyday. Is the culture of your class celebrated within that space? Is each and every learner contributing regardless of academic progress or learning style? Is that space part of your reading rotation? Is it where children share there wonderings, there 'work in progress' or is it just a place to 'celebrate' - obviously there is a place for both. But ask yourself, which will the children remember most, which will impact on their learning?
Otonga Superstars (2012)
Space 5 Kawaha Point School (2011)
Middle /Senior
Room 9 St Mary's Rotorua (2009/10/11/12)
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